Khiron Clinics Goals

Mission Statement

To be a clinical Centre for Excellence in relational, neurobiologically-informed healthcare. To provide global leadership in the field.


We are always curious, learning and teaching; about our work, about our biology, and about how we all relate to each other and our world.


  1. Treat. Achieve the best possible outcomes for as many people as possible.
  2. Train. Educate a community of trauma-informed care professionals.
  3. Develop. Create new pathways to, from, and within our services.
  4. Evidence. Gather high-quality evidence of our outcomes.
  5. Communicate. Distribute our evidence and learning as widely as possible.

Just a few words to express my deepest gratitude to you for enabling me to be here and finally start my process of healing.

Our Outcomes Reports

Khiron House publishes an annual independently authored report on its outcomes data. CORE summarise our outcomes and present them in the same way as the NHS.

We are here to help

If you have a client, or know of someone who is struggling, reach out to Khiron.
We believe that we can stop the revolving door of treatment and misdiagnosis by providing effective residential and outpatient therapies for underlying psychological trauma, stress and breakdown.

Allow us to help you find the path to effective, long lasting recovery.
For information, call us today.

Call any time UK: 020 3668 1606 US: (866) 801 6184