As of 2022, Khiron Clinics are proud to announce that we have been awarded certification from The Polyvagal Institute to show that we are a Polyvagal-Informed trauma treatment centre
Polyvagal Theory provides a revolutionary map of the nervous system, describing the underlying basis for our behaviour and feelings. The theory proposes that much of our cognitive and emotional intelligence stems from our physical state. Our body has an innate sense of when we are safe and when we are not, and our body responds accordingly by speeding up our heart rate and stress levels if we feel unsafe and have the need to fight or flee— slowing down heart rate and higher brain functions when we are scared to death (“freezing”), or relaxing us and increasing our ability to engage socially and think creatively when we feel safe and appreciated. This internal ‘barometer’ is known as our autonomic nervous system, and Polyvagal Theory sheds new light as to exactly how it works on both individual and social levels.
Chronic stress or trauma can prevent our autonomic nervous system from functioning in a healthy way, signalling danger when there is none and keeping us stuck in a state of survival. Social gatherings can be frightening and a simple meeting at work can become threatening. Living in prolonged states of survival often leads to unhealthy adaptive behaviours and significantly increased risks for chronic diseases.
Simply put— it’s acknowledging that we move through our daily lives as complete human beings and, in response, creating environments that support and care for our innate need for safety. The notion that we can compartmentalize our stress, anxiety, or trauma is misguided. Our brains are not able to isolate our lifetime of experiences and our learned views of the world and people just because we are at work or at school. Perhaps for a brief period of time some of us can “stuff it down”, “suck it up”, or “pull yourself up by your bootstraps”, however, our mental and physical well-being are taking the hit.
Awareness and understanding through training and education on the Polyvagal Theory, and changes in policies, practices, and environments, can not only increase resilience for many people, it can be healing.
Polyvagal-Informed is not a check list of quick fixes; it’s showing people better ways of being together, safe from judgement and ridicule.
I slept 9 hours last night, unheard of. I am already truly grateful for the change I have seen.
Michael, 30, USA
We work with members of respected organisations to deliver our services.