Space To Heal – Khiron House’s Residential Clinic Moves to the Countryside

by Colleen DeRango, Executive Director

Space and Enabling Expansion

Khiron House's residential clinic

Khiron House’s residential clinic

Allowing space for where we are at and what we are feeling is often what the human system needs most.

Space is like balm for the soul; enabling expansion. It is the opposite of overwhelm’s sense of “breath-less.”

In trauma healing work, just being heard and supported can create a sense of calm for our clients; with their nervous system’s response of a deeper full-breath or an exhaled breath of relief; a sense of “that’s it;” serving as the foundation for the sense of “I can.”

This “I can” is perhaps the natural state of our life-force flow.

The Art of Allowing Space

As clinicians experiencing space within, we “allow for” our clients to resonate with the same. It is not the gloriousness of our knowledge that heals, rather the art of allowing space for the sense of expansion within our clients.

It is the nervous system’s purest expression of acceptance, allowing for: “ah, that’s it” to birth.

To be able to offer this in an environment itself that is open, spacious and clear feels so appropriate and that is a large part of our enthusiasm about our move to the Oxfordshire countryside.

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